Friday, October 5, 2012

Overthinking Things

Hey guys!

Today I wanted to talk about something that causes a lot of guys problems. Overthinking.
A large number of questions I receive from guys learning pick up, boil down to the fact that the guy is just overthinking things.

A big problem with this is that you will sit and think "Ok, so how should I ask this girl out?" or "How should I ask this girl for her phone number?" or whatever it might be, instead of just simply saying "Hey, lets hangout" or "Hey put your number in my phone."

Yes, there are better ways to number close or ask a girl to hangout, but keeping it simple and just asking a girl to hangout or for her number is A TRILLION times better than overthinking it and missing the opportunity all together.

(Honestly, 9 out of 10 times that I ask a girl on a date, its as simple as "You're adorable, and you seem awesome so far. Whats your schedule like for the next few days?" And whichever day she says shes free, I just say lets hangout that day (provided that I'm free that day as well.) There's no need to overcomplicate things and have some elaborate way of asking her on a date.

I sort of blame the pick-up community for this, because the community forces this idea down your throat that if you can't pick up every girl you talk to then you're some sort of loser. Its getting better in recent years, with guys kind of realizing that the idea of going 5 for 5 and shit like that is bullshit, but it hasn't come full circle yet and a lot of guys still think they need all sorts of ridiculous pick up lines.

So, bottom line: when you find yourself in a situation where you're not exactly sure what to do, just do SOMETHING. Because doing nothing does not help and you learn nothing when do nothing. If you do SOMETHING, even if it doesn't work, you will learn what works and what doesn't work. And that's really what you want. To learn. Those lessons are priceless.

Black and White Pick Up INTRO

Hey everybody!
I just wanted to introduce myself, my partner and my company so you know a little bit about who we are and why you should even want to listen to our advice on pick up and dating.

I go by the name Dave Urkel. I have trained and taught with some of the best PUAs in the world. Five years ago I took a bootcamp with Speer (former coach for the Mystery Method) and about three years ago, I did a year-long program with Sinn (former head coach for the Mystery Method and also rated # 1 PUA in the world by TSB magazine). It was with Sinn that I really "got good" with women. At the end of my year-long program with Sinn, he invited me to speak at a conference that he was holding with Carlos Xuma. He also invited me to teach with him, which was a lot of fun and a great learning experience.

Now, after all that I decided to create my own pick-up company with my wing Neat.0. Neat.0 has been with me throughout my entire journey, learning with me and crafting our skills together. He can do some amazing things in field.

At Black and White Pick-Up, we like to keep things...well, black and white. Having gone through the learning process of pick-up ourselves, we know how hard this journey can be. All the misinformation out there and pick-up companies misleading people actually angers me. Improving your dating life is not always the easiest thing in the world, so the last thing I want to do is mislead people and make it even harder. Our goal is to cut right to the chase and give you guys the information you need to ACTUALLY GET GOOD with women, instead of talking about theories and fantasies that are not true.